Purpose: A breakwater structure designed to mitigate shoreline erosion by decreasing wave action and increasing sedimentation. Provide a suitable habitat for oyster growth.
Substrate: Interlocking blocks (12”x12”x8”) made of concrete material, crushed oyster shells, limestone and silica.
Wildlife: Invertebrates (oysters), shorebirds.
2020 Report
Established: July 2017 & 2018
Purpose: A breakwater structure designed to mitigate shoreline erosion by decreasing wave action and increasing sedimentation. Provide a suitable habitat for oyster growth.
Substrate: Interlocking blocks (12”x12”x8”) made of concrete material, crushed oyster shells, limestone and silica.
Wildlife: Invertebrates (oysters), shorebirds.
2020 Status: Submerged aquatic vegetation (eel grass), algae, and new sand accretion can be observed on the leeward sides of the existing Oyster Castles and Marsh Sills. Live oyster growth is occurring on the first and second rows (intertidal mark) of the south array.
2019 Report
Established: July 2017 & 2018
Purpose: To provide a breakwater structure designed to mitigate shoreline erosion by decreasing wave action and increasing sedimention. Provide a suitable habitat for oyster growth.
Substrate: Interlocking blocks (12”x12”x8”) made of concrete material, crushed oyster shells, limestone and silica.
Wildlife: Invertebrates (oysters), shorebirds
Status: New sand accretion continues to be observed on the leeward sides of the existing Oyster Castles and Marsh Sills. Crews from the Nature Conservancy and Atlantic City Electric (ACE) and ReClam the Bay, assisted in transporting and building a new Marsh Sill. The three-tier array was hand-constructed near the existing southwest arrays, by using 39 interlocking oyster castles.

The IRS has determined that the Mordecai Land Trust is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (“Code”) and not a private foundation pursuant to sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Code. Mordecai Land Trust was established in 2001.
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