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How donations help

As a non-profit all-volunteer organization, we depend on donations and grants to fund our projects and expenses. Without them, we could not accomplish work on the island like building the Terrapin Garden and our Osprey nest, the Geotubes (SWMER II), and the Oyster Castles installations.

The work goes on in our anti-erosion, living shoreline and habitat protection efforts, and we continue to rely on your support. Now, with sea rise and changing climate, we need the protection of islands like Mordecai Island more than ever. Help us make a difference.

Learn about Mordecai Land Trust Membership

The IRS  has determined that the Mordecai Land Trust is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (“Code”) and not a private foundation pursuant to sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Code. Mordecai Land Trust was established in 2001.

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Breaking News: Mordecai Island Ecosystem Restoration Project Advances into Design and Implementation with US Army Corps